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"Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art." ~Konstantin Stanislavski
Musical of the Year - Oklahoma!
Performance of the Day - Oklahoma!
Best Choreography - Oklahoma!
Hayden Lee (Laurey) Female Dancer of the Year - Oklahoma!
Leilah Huttner (Ado Annie) Commedienne of the Year - Oklahoma!
Andrew Gardner (Will Parker) Best Supporting Actor - Oklahoma!
Highest Achievement:
Griffin Davis (Ali Hakim, Jack)
Matthew Folkin (Jud Fry)
Andrew Gardner (Will Parker)
Leilah Huttner (Ado Annie, Witch)
Hayden Lee (Laurey Williams)
Quinn Oeppinger (Curly McClain, Baker)
Katie Ruoo (Aunt Eller, Baker's Wife)
Addyson Shoup (Little Red)
Nathan Song (Wolf / Cinderella's Prince)
Outstanding Achievement:
Aubrey Esparza (Rapunzel)
Matthew Folkin (Narrator / Mysterious Man)
Sarah Richey (Jack's Mother)
Aubrey Esparza (Gertie Cummings)
Cosette McCulloch (Stepmother)
Jack Spillane (Andrew Carnes)
Bright Spot:
Sam Davis (Kate, Granny / Cinderella's Mother)
Kaylie Lam (Ellen)
Cosette McCulloch (Vivian)
Aurlia Snyder (Lucinda)
Hailey Whitehurst (Florinda)
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